N头条>英语词典>diplomatic negotiations翻译和用法

diplomatic negotiations

[网络] 紧张的外交谈判



  • In my analysis, I propose the best way to resolve Sino-U.S. textile trade friction is that diplomatic negotiations and consultation should act as the principal way and legal means as supplementary one.
  • Vague language appears in nearly all kinds of communicative forms, such as news report, diplomatic speeches, commercial negotiations, advertisements and so on.
  • But some game theorists believe that the model could be harnessed to make diplomatic negotiations a more viable substitute for armed conflict.
  • Study on Power in Diplomatic Negotiations: Case Study of the Negotiations of Sino-US Rapprochement 1969-1972;
  • Diplomatic negotiations on climate change are mostly the debates on the issues, mechanisms and processes involving the implementation of UNFCCC and KP.
  • It indicates that in addition to providing financial& fiscal support, specifying industry rules, offering a information exchange platform, and strengthening diplomatic negotiations and etc are crucial measures of the state and associations to provide a positive macro-environment for Chinese enterprises.
  • We believe the parties should continue to exercise calm and be committed to diplomatic negotiations.
  • Through Li Hongzhang's diplomatic negotiations with Ito Hirobum the Sino-Japan Tianjin Treaty was signed, and thus the dispute between the two countries was settled.
  • From the point of further analysis of diplomatic negotiations negotiator, negotiation organization coordinated role and organization of informal communication channels and opinion leaders, mass communication of public opinion guiding role.
  • This implies an opportunity for diplomatic negotiations, economic sanctions and/ or preparation for a US-led military strike against Iranian installations in 2013-14.